Cataloguing the Amp, Effect, & Guitar Builders of Canada. Cataloguing the Amp, Effect, & Guitar Builders of Canada. Cataloguing the Amp, Effect, & Guitar Builders of Canada. Featured Effects BC Sleep Champion Devices Effects BC Effects BC Amplifiers ON Georgian Bay Amplification Amplifiers ON Amplifiers ON Effects QC Wawanolett Effects QC Effects QC Guitars QC Rancourt Guitars Guitars QC Guitars QC Guitars ON Scheltema Boutique Guitars Guitars ON Guitars ON Guitars QC Ted Stevenson Guitars Guitars QC Guitars QC Guitars MB Axinite Guitars Guitars MB Guitars MB Guitars QC Michael Kennedy Guitars Guitars QC Guitars QC Guitars BC G. R. Bear Guitars Guitars BC Guitars BC Parts and DIY QC Rage Guitarworks Parts and DIY QC Parts and DIY QC Guitars ON 7th Line Guitars Guitars ON Guitars ON Amplifiers ON Satino Amplification Amplifiers ON Amplifiers ON Parts and DIY BC Roy Tonewood Parts and DIY BC Parts and DIY BC Effects BC MOIRE Effects BC Effects BC Effects Spline Laboratories Effects Effects Effects QC Frank Marino Audio Effects QC Effects QC Effects MB Artisanal Effects Effects MB Effects MB Amplifiers ON Merick Amplification Amplifiers ON Amplifiers ON Effects ON Heist Pedals Effects ON Effects ON Guitars QC Dr. K’s Fine Guitars Guitars QC Guitars QC Guitars AB Ironside Custom Guitars Guitars AB Guitars AB Guitars ON Wavefront Guitars Guitars ON Guitars ON Effects, Amplifiers NS Sparkbox FX Effects, Amplifiers NS Effects, Amplifiers NS Effects QC The Leech Pedal Effects QC Effects QC Guitars BC Foundry Guitars Guitars BC Guitars BC Guitars ON Violette Guitars Guitars ON Guitars ON Utility and Accessories ON Whiskey Monarch Utility and Accessories ON Utility and Accessories ON Guitars QC Morifone Guitars Guitars QC Guitars QC Parts and DIY NS AuroraTone Pickups Parts and DIY NS Parts and DIY NS Guitars AB Strasdin Instruments Guitars AB Guitars AB